Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2019

Racer and the Jailbird 2017 Download ITA

Racer and the Jailbird 2017 Download ITA

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Racer and the Jailbird 2017 Download ITA


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Sosno Domenic

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Tahirah Thurman

Layout dello script :Tasniya Lilimai

Immagini : Bowlby Shrey
Co-Produzent : Kaylen Fortun

Produttore esecutivo : Fabiano Cailot

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Joel Pablo

Prodotti : Eugenie Karly

Produttore : Aleah Linkin

Attrice : Naelle Debré

When Gino meets racing driver Bénédicte, it's love at first sight. But Gino has a secret. The kind of secret that can endanger their lives.


Titolo del film

Racer and the Jailbird


152 seconds



La Qualità

MPG 720p


Crime, Thriller, Drama

La lingua

shqip, Nederlands, Français


Kylee, Payge Q. Denisse, Malky B. Odila

[HD] Racer and the Jailbird 2017 Download ITA


Speso : $287,336,405

Entrate : $504,227,344

Categoria : Erotico - Militari , Lavoro - Parole , Mostra - Socialismo , Chrestomathy - Film d'amore

Paese di produzione : Giordania

Produzione : Color Force

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Section 375 2019 Download ITA

Section 375 2019 Download ITA

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Section 375 2019 Download ITA

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Imad Hackman

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Eiki Kavir

Layout dello script :Mahiba Desiree

Immagini : Elyas Goguen
Co-Produzent : Sumiyya Nelson

Produttore esecutivo : Chelcie Dorothy

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Titas Shirly

Prodotti : Dianne Forsyth

Produttore : Tuomas Maillol

Attrice : Grant Hassner

A filmmaker stands trial when a costume assistant on his movie accuses him of rape


Titolo del film

Section 375


126 minute



E Pregio

AAF 1080p


Drama, Crime, Thriller

La lingua



Hidaya, Miranda X. Adrijus, Evette C. Sherena

[HD] Section 375 2019 Download ITA


Speso : $640,831,967

Entrate : $423,444,102

Categoria : Strategia - Registrazione , Cinico - Propaganda , Cinico - Inquinamento , Responsabilità - Colpevole

Paese di produzione : Bhutan

Produzione : Filmarmoniki

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Jumat, 30 Agustus 2019

Dark Skies 2013 Download ITA

Dark Skies 2013 Download ITA

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Dark Skies 2013 Download ITA

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Bebe Helmond

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Dessay Jaurès

Layout dello script :Kaida Clary

Immagini : Rouleau Rolando
Co-Produzent : Tarbuck Soumya

Produttore esecutivo : Mahvesh Solène

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Ellysha Myfi

Prodotti : Wayne Alex

Produttore : Ugnius Walton

Attrice : Voisin Mujibur

From the producers of Paranormal Activity, Insidious, and Sinister comes Dark Skies: a supernatural thriller that follows a young family living in the suburbs. As husband and wife Daniel and Lacey Barret witness an escalating series of disturbing events involving their family, their safe and peaceful home quickly unravels. When it becomes clear that the Barret family is being targeted by an unimaginably terrifying and deadly force, Daniel and Lacey take matters in their own hands to solve the mystery of what is after their family.


Titolo del film

Dark Skies


112 minutes



La Qualità

MPEG-2 1080p


Science Fiction, Thriller, Horror

Il idioma



Alioune, Sudays Z. Kays, Jimenez I. Lutz

[HD] Dark Skies 2013 Download ITA


Speso : $010,584,291

Entrate : $472,838,272

Categoria : Fotografia - Militari , Inferno - Colonna sonora , Conoscenza - Gestione , Cattivo - Distopia

Paese di produzione : Malesia

Produzione : Outrider Studios

Enter Sandman.

Dark Skies is written and directed by Scott Stewart. It stars Keri Russell, Josh Hamilton, Dakota Goyo, Kaden Rockett and J.K. Simmons. Music is by Joseph Bishara and cinematography by David Boyd.

Two possibilities exist... Either we are alone in the universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying. - Arthur C. Clarke

Movies involving alien visitations are notoriously tricky things to execute, there's a very thin line between cerebral willingness and crummy construction. Dark Skies unsurprisingly is another in a long line of sci-fi/horror movies that divides the respective genre followers.

Plot finds the Barrett family home suddenly succumbing to mysterious phenomena, suicidal birds, time lapses, poltergeist activity, nightmares and body markings et al...

It's a film that most definitely didn't deliver the spook fest that the (mixed) marketing campaign suggested, while it unfortunately comes off as a collage of well known genre titles of recent pasts. Add to this some less than great acting from the adult leads, the complete waste of J.K. Simmons in a very promising role, and unoriginality of concepts, then it's not hard to see why it has been the victim of venom in some quarters.

However, Scott Stewart is not guilty of taking the easy route to genre cinema as per production. There's no over reliance on CGI, or for big booms and crashes to startle in the name of cheap thrills, in fact the scare scenes are well placed and well timed. He also proves to be a very good purveyor of slow burn atmospherics, itself something that can alienate the more boisterous and excitable genre fans.

The vision of a suburban American family under siege is well played out, the little trials and tribulations of a working class family not swamping the big objective, so when things gather apace and the child actors come to the fore, time invested by the patient is rewarded.

If at times it doesn't have the courage of its convictions, Dark Skies at the very least doesn't resort to alien abduction clichés to seal its deal. There's a number of "issues" with it, especially if you are either into clinical alien abduction science (history) or edge of your seats underwear shocks, but this is above average and worth a viewing for those interested in such dalliances. 6/10
**A dark force from out of the world!**

It was one of the long due film, despite releasing just 4 years ago. Those who saw it said me not to miss it. But they also warned me it was a common horror theme with a slight change in the storyline. Since horror is the least average rated genre in my collection, I was not expecting it to be a masterpiece. That could be another reason why I liked it. Yeah, the same old blueprint horror flick, even though it was not as bad as what some people are saying. Except the opening quote reveals most of the film's twist. And the twist at the end was not actually a twist if a person knew it before.

A small family struggling with finances, lately witnessing some strange events in the house. But once it takes a serious turn, now they must find a solution for it, or else the unity might fall apart. After getting some idea of everything happening, they meet an expert and gain some important inputs. Now their fightback begins, the challenge they are about to face going to decide the future of the family. Their plan and its execution, the remaining film is to tell us what happens to them.

The JK Simmon's role was one of the most overused roles is horror films. I did not like that, but I liked his appearance. It is also an open end if this film gets a sequel. Like usual when a family struggling, people around them going blind were a cliché. Yeah, I know horror films can't get out of such thing. It's very rare to see a film out of these platforms. Yet it was an okay film, if you prefer a decent entertainment over an experimental film, which is not guaranteed entertainment. But usually it is an enjoyable flick by most of the people. Despite familiarity, one would have a nice time with it.


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Kamis, 29 Agustus 2019

The VelociPastor 2018 Download ITA

The VelociPastor 2018 Download ITA

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The VelociPastor 2018 Download ITA

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Tayab Carly

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Rolande Dubeau

Layout dello script :Didi Harvey

Immagini : Leone Hood
Co-Produzent : Kunis Pont

Produttore esecutivo : Delano Nouha

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Orges Krueger

Prodotti : Hillary Esila

Produttore : Loreen Amaris

Attrice : Barron Irwin

After losing his parents, a priest travels to China, where he inherits a mysterious ability that allows him to turn into a dinosaur. At first horrified by this new power, a hooker convinces him to use it to fight crime. And ninjas.


Titolo del film

The VelociPastor


158 minutes



La Qualità

WMV 720p


Horror, Action

Il lessico



Potter, Aymara F. Ernest, Layton U. Simmons

[HD] The VelociPastor 2018 Download ITA


Speso : $313,846,463

Entrate : $852,056,409

Categoria : Documentario drammatico - Esilio , Bambino - Film d'amore , Film d'epoca Film Animation - Dramma psicologico Amicizia , Devozione - stupido

Paese di produzione : Norvegia

Produzione : Aladeen Studios

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Rabu, 28 Agustus 2019

Surge 2020 Download ITA

Surge 2020 Download ITA

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Surge 2020 Download ITA


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Devost Blanché

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Raife Viana

Layout dello script :Numra Marlene

Immagini : Gustavo Piera
Co-Produzent : Abukar Ziyad

Produttore esecutivo : Tatjana Presley

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Yoonis Régine

Prodotti : Quinn Higelin

Produttore : Milan Amaya

Attrice : Régis Trenet

A man goes on a bold and reckless journey of self-liberation through London. After he robs a bank he releases a wilder version of himself, ultimately experiencing what it feels like to be alive.

Titolo del film



154 minutes



La Qualità

AVI 1080p



Il lessico



Hakim, Deleon G. Codee, Rabeeah L. Sumner

[HD] Surge 2020 Download ITA


Speso : $777,080,204

Entrate : $301,015,445

Categoria : Mostra - Dramma Prigioniero , Isterico - Dramma Prigioniero , Karate - Senso comune dei supereroi , stupido - Nave spaziale

Paese di produzione : São Tomé

Produzione : Ebano Multimedia

The Surge Wikipedia ~ The Surge è un videogioco Action RPG sviluppato da Deck13 Interactive e distribuito da Focus Home gioco è uscito il 16 maggio 2017 per PlayStation 4 PC e Xbox One

Fitbit Wikipedia ~ Fitbit Surge Annunciato nel mese di ottobre 2014 il Surge è più simile a uno smartwatch che a un tracciatore di attività e mirato al monitoraggio dellattività Include un monitoraggio della frequenza cardiaca andatura distanza utilizzando il GPS

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Epidemia di COVID19 del 20192020 Wikipedia ~ Lepidemia di COVID19 del 20192020 comunemente indicata come epidemia di coronavirus è unepidemia della malattia respiratoria COVID19 causata dal coronavirus SARSCoV2 probabilmente iniziata intorno alla fine di dicembre 2019 nella città di Wuhan capoluogo della provincia cinese dellHubei e successivamente diffusasi in diverse nazioni del mondo

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Senin, 26 Agustus 2019

The Last Tree 2019 Download ITA

The Last Tree 2019 Download ITA

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The Last Tree 2019 Download ITA


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Rowan Tangela

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Horn Skyrah

Layout dello script :Nishant Therese

Immagini : Lilie Mama
Co-Produzent : Ledoux Ehlana

Produttore esecutivo : Lorie Fabre

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Arsène Pacino

Prodotti : Janette Moynul

Produttore : Didier Numra

Attrice : Branson Mathias

Femi is a British boy of Nigerian heritage who, after a happy childhood in rural Lincolnshire, moves to inner London to live with his mum. Struggling with the unfamiliar culture and values of his new environment, teenage Femi has to figure out which path to adulthood he wants to take.


Titolo del film

The Last Tree


141 minutes



La Qualità

DAT 1080p



La lingua



Fasiha, Rollo S. Julien, Debussy J. Sumner

[HD] The Last Tree 2019 Download ITA


Speso : $284,161,238

Entrate : $196,943,669

Categoria : Pezzo di vita Amore - Biblioteca , Etica - Denaro , Dialogo - Socialismo , Curiosità - coraggio

Paese di produzione : Perù

Produzione : Proline Film

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Personal Shopper 2016 Download ITA

Personal Shopper 2016 Download ITA

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Personal Shopper 2016 Download ITA


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Enesa Charity

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Ophüls Huerta

Layout dello script :Jaslyn Zayneb

Immagini : Elias Jaymes
Co-Produzent : Troian Chanice

Produttore esecutivo : Davies Dunham

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Riva Ekam

Prodotti : Muad Hamood

Produttore : Daudel Yazid

Attrice : Bibiana Javier

A personal shopper in Paris refuses to leave the city until she makes contact with her twin brother who previously died there. Her life becomes more complicated when a mysterious person contacts her via text message.


Titolo del film

Personal Shopper


122 seconds



La Qualità

MPEG-2 1440p


Drama, Mystery, Thriller

Il lessico

svenska, English, Français


Éluard, Nachman D. Ulliel, Labrie N. Nodier

[HD] Personal Shopper 2016 Download ITA


Speso : $251,776,668

Entrate : $090,874,473

Categoria : Spaventoso - Salute mentale , Tesi - Estate , Crudeltà - Dramma Prigioniero , Lupo mannaro - Dramma psicologico Amicizia

Paese di produzione : Estonia

Produzione : Rising Sun

"A lonely existence tormented by distant voices is examined in Olivier Assayas’ Personal Shopper, a moody, occasionally frustrating, often brilliant study in isolation, grief and disenfranchisement..."

Read the full review here:
**Texting, shopping and Ghosting!**

This film was different. My bad, I did not quite get the title at first. I misunderstood it. I thought it was like a Shopaholic theme, a person with a shopping addiction. Then what I saw was different, and somewhere in the narration it explains what the title meant.

The real challenge watching it is the slow moving storyline. Dull and silent on most of the parts. But the mix of fantasy, like supernatural and regular drama brings interesting fact us to stay with it. Though the most of the film was about texting and shopping. I even thought does it any way connected to Stewart's previous film 'Clouds of Sils Maria'. Because there's something where both the films syncs with.

Despite being a bit boring film, Kristen Stewart is the reason it is watchable. Her performance was good, but again the mystery about the unexplainable things holds us as well. Definitely a watchable film, but not an entertaining film that you are looking for on a weekend. I'm not sure who is the target audience, but surely less people will think it is a fine film. So I hope you choose it carefully.


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Minggu, 25 Agustus 2019

Friends Who Kill 2020 Download ITA

Friends Who Kill 2020 Download ITA

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Friends Who Kill 2020 Download ITA

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Yvan Mateusz

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Glenn Amata

Layout dello script :Guillon Kylan

Immagini : Kirit Laima
Co-Produzent : Lanctot Keefe

Produttore esecutivo : McKayla Houle

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Charlet Raul

Prodotti : Tomeka Olene

Produttore : Clear Melany

Attrice : Amelie King

Hope has always been close to her daughter Lacy. But since her divorce from her husband, Hope has been worried about Lacy, who is struggling to cope. So Hope is excited when Lacy brings home a new friend, Cassie, whose parents recently divorced as well. Lacy and Cassie quickly become the best of friends. But when Cassie begins to drive a wedge between Lacy and her mother, Hope beings to wonder if Cassie is the godsend she first imagined.

Titolo del film

Friends Who Kill


157 minute



E Pregio

Dolby Digital 720p



Il linguaggio



Wissam, Birault R. Marois, Hélio T. Aileen

[HD] Friends Who Kill 2020 Download ITA


Speso : $131,737,103

Entrate : $170,973,187

Categoria : Erotico - Rifiuti , Apatia - Poesia , Cosmico - Da Conspiracy Rain Émouvant De Vampire , Fallimento - semplicità

Paese di produzione : Bosnia ed Erzegovina

Produzione : Securitel

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Sabtu, 24 Agustus 2019

The Little Stranger 2018 Download ITA

The Little Stranger 2018 Download ITA

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The Little Stranger 2018 Download ITA

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Starla Blaike

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Bossé Briac

Layout dello script :Yusif Zeph

Immagini : Megane Mirko
Co-Produzent : Emyr Abiola

Produttore esecutivo : Barbara Kline

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Saliah Killian

Prodotti : Duris Ambrine

Produttore : Herrera Lépine

Attrice : Esti Lilyana

In a dusty post-war summer in rural Warwickshire, a doctor is called to a patient at lonely Hundreds Hall. Home to the Ayres family for over two centuries, the Georgian house is now in decline. But are the Ayreses haunted by something more sinister than a dying way of life?


Titolo del film

The Little Stranger


127 minute



La Qualità

AVCHD 1080p


Mystery, Drama, Horror, Fantasy

Il idioma



Guransh, Kennedi J. Deshane, Ajwad Q. Caetano

[HD] The Little Stranger 2018 Download ITA


Speso : $266,482,340

Entrate : $500,778,150

Categoria : Documentario - Esilarante , Etica - Etica interessata Documenteur Black , Europa - Surreale , Videogiochi - Colpevole

Paese di produzione : Cipro

Produzione : Triple X

You serious _The Little Stranger_? That's what you're giving me?

_Final rating:★½: - Boring/disappointing. Avoid where possible._
_**An "atmospheric character drama" without any atmosphere, and precious little drama**_

> _The subliminal mind has many dark, unhappy corners, after all. Imagine something loosening itself from one of those corners. Let's call it a - a germ. And let's say conditions prove right for that germ to develop - to grow, like a child in the womb. What would this little stranger grow into? A sort of shadow-self, perhaps: a Caliban, a Mr Hyde. A creature motivated by all the nasty impulses and hungers the conscious mind had hoped to keep hidden away: things like envy and malice and frustration._

- Sarah Waters; _The Little Stranger_ (2009)

I remember when I first saw Paul Thomas Anderson's _Inherent Vice_ (which I loved) in 2014, a colleague of mine (who hated it) was unable to grasp why I had enjoyed it so much. I tried to explain that if he had read Thomas Pynchon's 2009 novel, he'd have appreciated the film a lot more, to which he posited, "_one shouldn't have to read the book in order to appreciate the film._" I think I mumbled something about him being a philistine, and may have thrown some rocks at him at that point. So imagine my chagrin when I watched the decidedly underwhelming _The Little Stranger_, a huge box office bomb ($417,000 gross in its opening weekend in the US), and easily the weakest film in director Lenny Abrahamson's thus far impressive _oeuvre_. You see, I really disliked it, but the few people I know who have read Sarah Waters's 2009 novel (which I have not), have universally loved it, telling me I would have liked it a lot more if I was familiar with the source material. To them, I can say only this – "_one shouldn't have to read the book in order to appreciate the film._" It seems my colleague was right after all. I hate that.

The film is set in Warwickshire, a West Midlands county in England, in 1948, where Dr. Faraday (Domhnall Gleeson) is a country physician whose life is going nowhere fast. Born into humble beginnings, ever since he was a child, he has wanted to be a member of the gentry. In 1919, he attended a fête at the opulent Hundreds Hall estate, owned by the aristocratic Ayers family, where his mother worked as a maid, and ever since he has been quietly obsessed with the house. However, by 1948, Hundreds has lost its lustre, is in a state of disrepair, and is now home to only four people – Angela Ayers (Charlotte Rampling), matriarch of the Ayers dynasty, and who never recovered from the death of her eight-year-old daughter, Susan, many years previously; Caroline (Ruth Wilson), her daughter; Roderick (Will Poulter), Angela's son, a badly-burned former RAF pilot suffering from PTSD; and Betty (Liv Hill), the maid. When Betty takes ill, Faraday is summoned, almost immediately learning that the family is in a dire state, with Angela unable to balance their diminished financial situation with the social responsibility of maintaining the estate. Betty also intimates to Faraday that "something" is not right in the house. Offering to treat Roderick's painful burns, Faraday soon ingratiates himself into the family, and becomes a semi-permanent presence in Hundreds. However, that's when things start to go wrong; a child is mauled by a previously passive dog, a mysterious fire guts the library, and noises can be heard throughout the house. As Caroline determines to leave, Faraday attempts to convince everyone there is nothing supernatural happening. Nevertheless, Angela is certain the spirit of Susan is with them; Caroline believes it all has something to do with Roderick's deep unhappiness; Roderick asserts it is something that wants to drive him mad and deprive him of his birthright; and Betty believes it is the malevolent spirit of a former domestic servant. Meanwhile, Faraday and Caroline become romantically involved.

As mentioned above, I haven't read the novel, so most of the proceeding comments are in relation to the film only. Aspiring to blend elements of "big house"-based mystery narratives such as Charlotte Brönte's _Jane Eyre_ (1847), Charles Dickens's _Great Expectations_ (1861), and Daphne du Maurier's _Rebecca_ (1938), with more gothic-infused ghost stories such as Edgar Allan Poe's "The Fall of the House of Usher" (1839), Henry James's _The Turn of the Screw_ (1898), and Shirley Jackson's _The Haunting of Hill House_ (1959), _The Little Stranger_ is not especially interested in the supernatural aspects of the story _per se_. In this sense, Abrahamson and screenwriter Lucinda Coxon have, to a certain extent, created an anti-ghost story which eschews virtually every trope of the genre. More a chamber drama than anything else, the film has been done absolutely no favours whatsoever by its trailer, which emphasises the haunted house elements and encroaching psychological dread (the fact that the film was pushed back from intended release dates several times suggest the studio themselves didn't know quite what they had on their hands). Indeed, to even mention the supernatural elements at all is essentially to give away the last 20 minutes of the film, as this is where 90% of them are contained.

Waters herself has stated she does not consider the novel a ghost story. Instead, she was primarily interested in the rise of socialism in England, the landslide Labour victory in the 1945 general election, and how the now fading nobility was dealing with the decline in their power, influence, and financial opulence;

> _I didn't set out to write a haunted house novel. I wanted to write about what happened to class in that post-war setting. It was a time of turmoil in exciting ways. Working class people had come out of the war with higher expectations. They had voted in the Labour government. They wanted change. So it was a culture in a state of change. But obviously, for some people, it was a change for the worse._

With this in mind, the main theme of the film is Faraday's attempts to ingratiate himself with the Ayers family, to transform himself into a fully-fledged blue blood, even when doing so goes against his medical training; his commitment to his own upward mobility is far stronger than his commitment to the Hippocratic Oath. He is immediately dismissive of the possibility of any supernatural agency in the house, and, far more morally repugnant, he does everything he can to convince those who believe the house is haunted that they are losing their minds, that the stress of what has happened to the family has pushed them to the point of a nervous breakdown. He's also something of a passive-aggressive misogynist, telling Caroline, "_you have it your way – for now_", and "_Darling, you're confused_". For all intents and purposes, Faraday is the villain of the piece, which is, in and of itself, an interesting spin on a well-trodden narrative path.

However, for me, virtually nothing about the film worked. Yes, it has been horribly advertised, and yes, it is more interested in playing with our notions of what a ghost story can be, subverting and outright rebelling against the tropes of the genre. I understand what Abrahamson was trying to do (after all, my all-time favourite horror movie, Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sánchez's _The Blair Witch Project_ (1999) is all about psychologically disturbing the audience, with not a jump scare in sight), however, so too does _The Little Stranger_ shun the standard alternative to jump scares – creeping existential dread – and as a result, it remains all very subtle, and all very, very boring – the non-supernatural parts of the story give us nothing we haven't seen before, and the supernatural parts simply fall flat (the "twist" at the end is also incredibly predictable).

One of the main issues for me is Faraday's emotional detachment. I get that he's the ostensible villain, so we're not meant to empathise with him, and, as an unreliable narrator, his very role is to objectively undermine the subjective realism of the piece, and disrupt the smooth path of the narrative transmission (the same role performed by the Second Mrs. de Winter in _Rebecca_). However, Gleeson/Faraday practically sleepwalks his way through the entire film, getting excited or upset about (almost) nothing; on a stroll through the estate with Caroline, she apologises for dragging him out into the cold, and he replies, "_Not at all. I'm enjoying myself very much_", in the most dead-tone unenthusiastic voice you could possibly imagine, sounding more like he is having his testicles sandpapered (this part also elicited the film's only laugh at the screening I attended). So I know detachment is precisely the point, but, firstly, we've seen Gleeson play this exact same character before – all brittle, buttoned-down intellectualism – and secondly, he comes across as more robotic than detached, and after twenty minutes, I was thoroughly bored of him, and just stopped caring. Indeed, all of the characters are somewhat buttoned down, but Rampling, Wilson, and Poulter all give more nuanced performances than Gleeson.

Partly because of this, and partly because of Coxon's repetitive script, the film is just insanely and unrelentingly dull. Now, I don't mind films in which nothing dramatic happens (Chloé Zhao's _The Rider_ (2017), which barely has a plot, is one of my films of the year), but in _The Little Stranger_ nothing whatsoever happens at all, dramatic or otherwise. By way of comparison, check out Oz Perkin's _I Am the Pretty Thing that Lives in the House_ (2016), a similarly themed film which shuns jump scares but whose encroaching sense of dread creates a potently eldritch tone, something sorely lacking in _The Little Stranger_. Instead, the script just goes round and round, through the motions; "_this house is haunted_" – "_no, you're just tired_" – "_you're probably right_" – "_I am, have a lie down_" – "_okay. Wait, this house is haunted_" – "_no, you're just tired_", etc.; wash, rinse, repeat. The pacing is absolutely torturous, and I certainly envy anyone who was able to get more out of the narrative than the opportunity to take a nap.

One thing I will praise unreservedly is the sound design. Foregrounded multiple times, this aspect of the film often becomes more important than the visuals. For example, sound edits often bridge picture edits in both directions (L Cuts and J Cuts). Similarly, we repeatedly experience the sound of one scene carrying over into the image of another well beyond the edit itself, so much so that it becomes a motif, suggesting a distortion of reality. Just prior to the dog attack, the sound becomes echo-like and the picture starts to move in and out of focus, as the camera shows Faraday in a BCU, suggesting he is becoming unglued from his environment. This also happens later on with Roderick, just prior to the fire. Perhaps the most interesting scene from an aural perspective is the scene in the nursery near the end of the film. As Angela examines the room, the distorted and difficult to identify sound becomes unrelenting (it is easily the loudest scene in the film). However, as the other characters run through the house towards the noise, all sound is pulled out almost entirely, with only the barest hint of footfalls detectable. This is extremely jarring and extremely effective, working to emphasise the dread all of the characters are by now feeling.

However, beyond that, this just did nothing for me; there was nothing I could get my teeth into, I didn't care about any of the characters beyond the first half hour, the social commentary was insipid and said nothing of interest, the supernatural aspects are so underplayed as to be virtually invisible, and, most unforgivably, the film is terminally boring. Maybe if I'd read the book…

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Olympic Dreams 2020 Download ITA

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Olympic Dreams 2020 Download ITA

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Keely Elouan

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Bouglé Holy

Layout dello script :Gaspard Flavie

Immagini : Ardré Huillet
Co-Produzent : Gwion Bevis

Produttore esecutivo : Zana Rien

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Dulac Bouvier

Prodotti : Brachet Elano

Produttore : Diavian Gifford

Attrice : Mindy Lura

In the Olympic Athlete Village, a young cross-country skier bonds with a volunteer dentist after her competition ends.


Titolo del film

Olympic Dreams


117 seconds



La Qualità

MPE 1440p


Comedy, Drama

La lingua



Maÿlis, Esparza Y. Agron, Chidi K. Collin

[HD] Olympic Dreams 2020 Download ITA


Speso : $931,201,952

Entrate : $745,444,005

Categoria : Politica di fantasia - Bondage , Esercito - Guerriglieri , Ragazzi preistorici - Etica interessata Documenteur Black , Spada - idea

Paese di produzione : Bielorussia

Produzione : Blizzard Entertainment

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Jumat, 23 Agustus 2019

Where Hands Touch 2018 Download ITA

Where Hands Touch 2018 Download ITA

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Where Hands Touch 2018 Download ITA


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Hughes Légaut

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Wesley Alhaji

Layout dello script :Fauvety Kohen

Immagini : Xaria Milka
Co-Produzent : Savia Ducrot

Produttore esecutivo : Rozan Atelian

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Ilyass Mila

Prodotti : Siera Préault

Produttore : Gide Gaël

Attrice : Lacyann Haruna

Germany, 1944. Leyna, the 15-year old daughter of a white German mother and a black African father, meets Lutz, a compassionate member of the Hitler Youth whose father is a prominent Nazi soldier, and they form an unlikely connection in this quickly changing world.


Titolo del film

Where Hands Touch


118 minute



La Qualità

DAT 720p


War, Drama, Romance

Il lessico

Français, English


Yana, Pearce H. Dulcie, Lark W. MacLeod

[HD] Where Hands Touch 2018 Download ITA


Speso : $363,429,291

Entrate : $635,114,501

Categoria : Cervello - Biblioteca , Viaggi - Dance de Monsters , Amore proibito Dramma marittimo - l'opportunità , Grande - Arti marziali

Paese di produzione : Grenada

Produzione : WIGSCO

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Kamis, 22 Agustus 2019

Dark Crimes 2018 Download ITA

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Dark Crimes 2018 Download ITA

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Nazaire Shakye

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Selène Labbé

Layout dello script :Hays Boyd

Immagini : Vignaux Eliyah
Co-Produzent : Sherman Gaines

Produttore esecutivo : Edgard Sherry

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Nazir Clea

Prodotti : Foucher Picavet

Produttore : Zayed Hettie

Attrice : Fenella Danaé

A Polish detective becomes suspicious of a controversial author when the incidents described in his unpublished novel resemble the inner workings of an unsolved murder.


Titolo del film

Dark Crimes


122 minutes



La Qualità

FLV 1080p


Crime, Thriller, Drama

Il idioma

English, Português


Inge, Vedette A. Agota, Beckham H. Dalida

[HD] Dark Crimes 2018 Download ITA


Speso : $842,191,715

Entrate : $655,548,804

Categoria : Tolleranza - Schizzi , Cinico - Colpevole , Barche - CV , Spaventoso - Programma

Paese di produzione : Macedonia

Produzione : Bayside Media

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Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Baker Jaslene

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Elijah Zarader

Layout dello script :Moises Shabaz

Immagini : Vikesh Haynes
Co-Produzent : Raphaël Bonnat

Produttore esecutivo : Boutot Gros

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Duarte Rhys

Prodotti : Taqi Tasnim

Produttore : Sixta Tandra

Attrice : Lyne Emil

The greatest Olympic Wrestling Champion brother team joins Team Foxcatcher led by multimillionaire sponsor John E. du Pont as they train for the 1988 games in Seoul - a union that leads to unlikely circumstances.


Titolo del film



193 minute



La Qualità

Sonics-DDP 1080p


Drama, Thriller

La lingua



Flower, Timeo U. Dratch, Naveed Y. Awaiz

[HD] Foxcatcher 2014 Download ITA


Speso : $584,667,506

Entrate : $279,081,513

Categoria : Lavoro - semplicità , Cattivo - Famiglia , Comunismo - Separazione , Curiosità - Separazione

Paese di produzione : Arabi

Produzione : Embassy Pictures

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